Reviewing allergies
Medication review
Reviewing allergies
Medication review
After outlining behaviors, pain points, and design opportunities, I came up with the final prototype for prescribing bundles, a common action for MAB providers. Later, I came up with scalable design components to be used across the suite of Nectar, including settings - configuring favorites, editing provider information, etc.
Dr. Cindy Adams
We are actually not looking to use [our current] e-prescribe because it puts patients at increased risk because of passing of Superscripts issue.
We are actually not looking to use [our current] e-prescribe because it puts patients at increased risk because of passing of Superscripts issue.
Dr. Jilian
Just the Pill
Dr. Jilian
Just the Pill
Something that’s very simple, that’s customizable where you can template things can increase efficiency is really the goal.
Something that’s very simple, that’s customizable where you can template things can increase efficiency is really the goal.
Dr. Cindy Adams
Hey Jane
Dr. Cindy Adams
Hey Jane
“It’s barebones - we also like that - you don’t have to click 4 different places to send a prescription [in regards to MD Toolbox].
“It’s barebones - we also like that - you don’t have to click 4 different places to send a prescription [in regards to MD Toolbox].
Dr. Lauren Dubrey
Hey Jane
Dr. Lauren Dubrey
Hey Jane
Streamlining the Dispensing Experience
At Honeybee, dispensing medications is a tedious process. Operations team members would cross reference orders in our tool Keeper, alongside an outdated pharmacy- industry tool called Guardian. If a patient orders 3 medications through the Honeybee website, the order is populated in our internal tool, Keeper. Then, a technician has to cross-reference Guardian to make sure the directions for taking the medication are accurate to a doctor’s script. Each order on average takes around 4 minutes to dispense due to the frequent back-and-forth data validation.
Virtual Pharmacy-as-a- Service
Virtual pharmacy-as-a-service is a white-labelled service I designed for telehealth partners to integrate directly with Honeybee Health as their pharmacy fulfillment partner.
The output was an iframe prototype developed by the engineering team. After patients finished virtual appointments with their respective telehealth partners, they would see a custom pharmacy checkout experience by Honeybee.
I started the design process exploring lo/mid fidelity explorations for each of the different steps in the checkout process. Playing on the human elements of receiving your medications, I used synonymous imagery, including a prescription note pad and shipping label, to mimic the true experience of receiving one's medications.
I had the chance to first-hand experience how pharmacy technicians use Guardian with Keeper at the HBH office. With both tools open, I completed the dispensing experience for 10 orders to better understand how the process works. After validating the workflow with the users, pharm techs and operations leads themselves, I designed a mid-fidelity prototype that I then tested with the users themselves asking them to go through the process of dispensing with the clickable Figma prototype.
The final dispensing experience allowed for reps to easily verify orders from Guardian, now in Keeper. Being able to compare sig, quantity, and dosage more easily in Keeper reduced dispensing time by 48% for our team who are typically dispensing around 50-100 orders a day.
The final dispensing experience allowed for reps to easily verify orders from Guardian, now in Keeper. Being able to compare sig, quantity, and dosage more easily in Keeper reduced dispensing time by 48% for our team who are typically dispensing around 50-100 orders a day.

Honeybee Health
As an all-encompassing online pharmacy, Honeybee Health provides services to patients nationwide with a focus on abortion medications. At Honeybee, I led the design of 0-to-1 projects, while iteratively designing features to improve our fundamental operations product, Keeper - a tool that tracks order data. I also led weekly design update discussions with our engineering team to scope feature feasibility. I handled projects, including a virtual pharmacy experience for our telehealth partners, the design of a landing page for partners, and the end-to-end design process for a new vertically integrated HBH prescription tool.
February 2022- September 2023
As an all-encompassing online pharmacy, Honeybee Health provides services to patients nationwide with a focus on abortion medications. At Honeybee, I led the design of 0-to-1 projects, while iteratively designing features to improve our fundamental operations product, Keeper - a tool that tracks order data. I also led weekly design update discussions with our engineering team to scope feature feasibility. I handled projects, including a virtual pharmacy experience for our telehealth partners, the design of a landing page for partners, and the end-to-end design process for a new vertically integrated HBH prescription tool.
As an all-encompassing online pharmacy, Honeybee Health provides services to patients nationwide with a focus on abortion medications. At Honeybee, I led the design of 0-to-1 projects, while iteratively designing features to improve our fundamental operations product, Keeper - a tool that tracks order data. I also led weekly design update discussions with our engineering team to scope feature feasibility. I handled projects, including a virtual pharmacy experience for our telehealth partners, the design of a landing page for partners, and the end-to-end design process for a new vertically integrated HBH prescription tool.
User Research
User Research
Synthesis -> UX
Synthesis -> UX
Design systems
Design systems
Marketing design
Marketing design
0-1 design
0-1 design
Direct collaboration with C-suite
Direct collaboration with C-suite

Nectar is a tool I collaborated with the CTO and CEOS of Honeybee. With stringent abortion medication laws, and an existing third-party tool with data privacy issues, SureScripts, the team at Honeybee Health wanted to design an in-house e-prescription tool, Nectar. I started the product design process by leading research with 6 providers, drafting a plan with questions to understand providers' workflows and how they prescribe abortion medications currently. After leading research sessions and synthesizing notes, I mapped the behaviors and pain points into design opportunities and requirements for the MVP Nectar product in FigJam. As the lead designer, serving as a product manager as well, I went into a lo-fidelity ideation phase, thinking through the information architecture and key elements of the tool.

The antiquated Guardian UI used to dispense medications and verify “Directions and Sig” with scripts sent from doctors.
Reviewing allergies
Medication review
Reviewing allergies
Medication review
As an all-encompassing online pharmacy, Honeybee Health provides services to patients nationwide with a focus on dispensing abortion medications. At Honeybee, I led the design of 0-to-1 design projects, while iteratively designing features to improve our fundamental operations product, Keeper. I also led weekly design update discussions with our engineering team to scope feature feasibility. I handled projects such as the white-labeling of the Virtual Pharmacy for our telehealth partners, the design of a landing page for partners, and the end to end design process for a prescription tool.
Honeybee Health
User Research
Synthesis -> UX
Design systems
Marketing design
0-1 design
User Research
Synthesis -> UX
Design systems
Marketing design
0-1 design
Streamlining the Dispensing Experience
At Honeybee, dispensing medications is a tedious process. Operations team members would cross reference orders in our tool Keeper, alongside an outdated pharmacy- industry tool called Guardian. If a patient orders 3 medications through the Honeybee website, the order is populated in our internal tool, Keeper. Then a technician has to cross-reference Guardian to make sure the directions for taking the medication are accurate from a doctor’s script. Each order on average takes around 4 minutes to dispense due to the frequent back-and-forth.
I had the chance to first-hand experience how pharmacy technicians use Guardian with Keeper at the HBH office. With both tools open, I completed the dispensing experience for 10 orders, each with ~3 medications each to better understand how the process works.After validating the workflow with the users, pharm techs and operations leads themselves, I designed a mid-fidelity prototype that I then tested with the users themselves asking them to go through the process of dispensing with the clickable Figma prototype.

Virtual pharmacy-as-a-service is a white-labelled service I designed for telehealth partners to integrate directly with Honeybee Health as their pharmacy fulfillment partner.
The output was an iframe prototype developed by the engineering team. The iframe was embedded for multiple telehealth partners, including Hey Jane, for a custom pharmacy checkout experience.
I started the design process exploring lo/mid fidelity explorations for each of the different steps in the checkout process. Playing on the human elements of receiving your medications, I used synonymous imagery, including a prescription note pad and shipping label, to mimic the true experience of receiving one's medications.