Tool Consolidation

Streamlining an external pharmacy tool into an internal order management tool


UX Design

User Research


Sarah Mayo

Jason Youn


May 2023

Guardian is an industry-wide pharmaceutical tool that many pharmacists use to dispense medications to patients. Pharmacy technicians at Honeybee usually dispense medications to patients based on the sig, qty, and dosage. They're manually reviewing a variety of prescriptions that come into the pharmacy, comparing those attributes from one tool to the next. I worked on consolidating the external order management functionality into Keeper, so that pharmacy technicians can easily compare and dispense medications to patients. After walking through the workflow of pharmacy technicians, I collaboratively designed an experience with engineering.

More documentation to come…

Fika is a community and responsive web application I built with 2 friends in New York. When the pandemic hit and everyone was forced to work from home, it became more difficult to connect with others. We wanted to create a way for creatives to easily collaborate over a ritual that we frequent when networking - coffee. Coffee is just the spark to collaborations, design gigs, mentorship and more.


UX Design

User Research

Leading engineering sprints


Jamie Haberman

Will Berman




Connecting creatives over coffee

More documentation to come…

Guardian is an industry-wide pharmaceutical tool that many pharmacists use to dispense medications to patients. Pharmacy technicians at Honeybee usually dispense medications to patients based on the sig, qty, and dosage. They're manually reviewing a variety of prescriptions that come into the pharmacy, comparing those attributes from one tool to the next. I worked on consolidating the external order management functionality into Keeper, so that pharmacy technicians can easily compare and dispense medications to patients. After walking through the workflow of pharmacy technicians, I collaboratively designed an experience with engineering.

More documentation to come…

Tool Consolidation

Streamlining an external pharmacy tool into an internal order management tool


UX Design

User Research


Sarah Mayo

Jason Youn


May 2023