Success stories


Frida Braide

Digital UX/UI Designer

Graphic Designer and Product Strategist

Creative Director & Videographer

After meeting on Fika, we made a shoe commercial.

"Fika was a way for me to get back at joining the community."


Connecting creatives over coffee in NYC

Fika is a community and responsive web application I built with 2 friends in New York. When the pandemic hit and everyone was forced to work from home, it became more difficult to connect with others. We wanted to create a way for creatives to easily collaborate over a ritual that we frequent when networking - coffee. Coffee is just the spark to collaborations, design gigs, mentorship and more.


Creatives, especially freelancers, are working in isolation. While many look to Bumble BFF, Soho House or other communities, creatives have difficulty connecting with creatives in person. We wanted to develop an application that allows individuals just like us, creatives, from graphic designers to creative directors, to connect over a ritual that works best - coffee.


Fika is a community and responsive web application I built with 2 friends in New York. When the pandemic hit and everyone was forced to work from home, it became more difficult to connect with others. We wanted to create a way for creatives to easily collaborate over a ritual that we frequent when networking - coffee. Coffee is just the spark to collaborations, design gigs, mentorship and more.


After launching a beta, we iteratively made improvements to the product experience. We launched events as a way for creatives to connect in person, as opposed to solely one-on-one, messaging as a way to connect before sending a coffee, and a weekly newsletter for creatives on the platform to stay up to date with creative events all throughout the city.

A research-driven approach

Daniel P.

Product Designer / Creative Coder


I'm looking for a creative community to feel comfortable along side with and bouncing ideas off each other!


Success stories

"Fika was a way for me to get back at joining the community."


Frida Braide

Graphic Designer and Product Strategist

"We met on Fika and now attend events all throughout the city together."

Sam & Min

After meeting on Fika, we made a shoe commercial.

Creative Director & Videographer

Noel & Alex




completed onboarding


Fikas sent



Completed onboarding

A research-driven approach

After launching a beta, we iteratively made improvements to the product experience. We launched events as a way for creatives to connect in person, as opposed to solely one-on-one, messaging as a way to connect before sending a coffee, and a weekly newsletter for creatives on the platform to stay up to date with creative events all throughout the city.

Daniel P.

Product Designer / Creative Coder


I'm looking for a creative community to feel comfortable along side with and bouncing ideas off each other!


Success stories

"We met on Fika and now attend events all throughout the city together."

"Fika was a way for me to get back at joining the community."


Frida Braide

After meeting on Fika, we made a shoe commercial.

Creative Director & Videographer

Noel & Alex




completed onboarding


Fikas sent


Completed onboarding


Success stories

"Fika was a way for me to get back at joining the community."


Frida Braide

Graphic Designer and Product Strategist

"We met on Fika and now attend events all throughout the city together."

Sam & Min

After meeting on Fika, we made a shoe commercial.

Creative Director & Videographer

Noel & Alex


Connecting creatives over coffee in NYC

Sonika Patel

Digital UX/UI Designer

Sonika Patel

Digital UX/UI Designer